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Ryan Kurr
Aug 28, 20226 min read
Finishing a Trilogy
When I finally sat down to tackle the copious amount of notes that I had for a fantasy series, I will felt like it was going...
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Ryan Kurr
Jul 26, 20222 min read
The Black Hen Playlist
Musically conjure up some magic one final time with music that inspired or was featured in the upcoming novel The Black Hen, the third...
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Ryan Kurr
Dec 4, 20217 min read
Hidden Recipes and Flaming Chef Coats
“I want you to do more,” the chef said to me as she slid the spreadsheet of my dessert sales for the last 12 months back towards me...
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Ryan Kurr
Oct 23, 20217 min read
Clash of the Cones
It was Saturday, April 10th at 1:07 pm when I received an email from my former pastry instructor and now good friend Maria. There was...
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Ryan Kurr
Jun 4, 20212 min read
The "Luke Cook" Ice Cream
Making ice cream was never the same after Luke Cook told me to "cream it up...for Daddy." I can say with 100% honesty I didn't hate that...
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Ryan Kurr
Jun 3, 20212 min read
The "Rob Kazinsky" Ice Cream
Continuing with the True Blood theme, in April of 2020 I asked actor Rob Kazinsky what his dream flavor of ice cream would be. Here is...
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Ryan Kurr
Jun 3, 20212 min read
The "Mariana Klaveno" Ice Cream
Next up in my celebrity ice cream journey, is Mariana Klaveno, most well known for her role of Lorena on the hit series True Blood. I am...
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Ryan Kurr
Jun 2, 20213 min read
The "Rachel True" Ice Creams
The celebrity ice cream challenge continues! This time around, I dive into making ice cream for Rachel True, who is most well-known for...
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Ryan Kurr
May 8, 20218 min read
Crafting Spells
One of the most beautiful things about witchcraft is how versatile it is. A witch is many things to many people and the definition of one...
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Ryan Kurr
May 6, 20212 min read
Powdered Oak & Seven Metals Playlist
Dive into the coven's world once more with the music that inspired or was featured in the upcoming novel Powdered Oak & Seven Metals, the...
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Ryan Kurr
Aug 27, 20203 min read
"The Lena Headey" Ice Cream
A while back, I decided to reach out to celebrities and ask them what their dream flavor of ice cream would be so that I could make it....
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Ryan Kurr
Jul 26, 20202 min read
Sage, Smoke & Fire Playlist
Music is a big part of how I write. Many times while I am writing a scene, I will choose a song that fits the mood of the story and...
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Ryan Kurr
Jul 23, 20207 min read
How I Write: Tips & Advice
When I was in the first grade, we had to draw a portrait of what we wanted to be when we grew up and become hardworking adults. I...
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Ryan Kurr
May 24, 20205 min read
Everything Ends
I was somewhere between my parents getting divorced and watching a girl die-which means I was about four or five years old. That is the...
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Ryan Kurr
May 20, 20205 min read
What is Normal Anyway?
Given the current state of the world at the moment, where everyone is scrambling for a sense of normalcy, it's easy to become overwhelmed...
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Ryan Kurr
May 17, 20205 min read
Inside the Grimoire
Atop a tiny rollable wooden cart, tucked into the corner of the second part of my living room, which I call the "witch room," is where I...
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Ryan Kurr
May 15, 20204 min read
Designing Flavor
I brought a Tupperware container of my Cocoon ice cream out to my friend Taylor who had been patiently sitting on my couch waiting to try...
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Ryan Kurr
May 9, 20205 min read
13 Pages : An Origin Story
Stack of notes for Sage, Smoke & Fire. It all began in 2013 in a creaky, third-floor apartment in the Ravenswood neighborhood of Chicago....
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